Investing with heart to change people's lives


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Une campagne d’obligations communautaires de 5 M$

Frequently Asked Questions

I invest with heart

Investor Kit application form (no obligation).


Questions and answers

Are community bonds like other forms of savings?

Yes, in the sense that they are debt securities with a nominal value, a term (duration of the loan) and an interest rate.

Private companies and governments (municipal, provincial and federal) can also issue bonds, but they are not “community” bonds. These types of securities can only be issued by social economy enterprises. In other words, community bonds are a form of loan without a financial institution. It is not a donation. The bonds pays annual or compound interest to the investor, with no management fees. It’s a bond because the principal is repaid at maturity (due date).

Groupe TAQ (Ateliers T.A.Q. Inc.) is a non-profit organization (NPO) legally constituted and governed by Part III of the Companies Act (R.S.Q., chapter C-38). The organization is exempt from issuing a prospectus under the Securities Act (Art 3) but must inform investors, hence the mandatory reading of the Investor Kit prepared by Groupe TAQ.

In addition to its NPO status, Groupe TAQ is also an adapted enterprise (dedicated to the employment of disabled people) and a registered charity.

Find out more about community bonds:

  • L’Ampli (Chantier de l’économie sociale) – Quebec’s experts in community bonds financing
  • Tapestry – Ontario’s Community Bonds experts
  • TIESS – Guide to issuing community bonds for social economy enterprises

Community bonds – a new source of financing (Espace OBNL – Blog)

Are community bonds guaranteed?

First and foremost, community bonds offer a social return. Beyond the social virtues, however, investors must be able to make an informed investment, knowing the risks involved.

The community bonds of the Groupe TAQ campaign are not guaranteed and the bonds ranks last in priority to the repayment of creditors in the event of liquidation. In this case, bondholders would not be reimbursed at maturity, and the debt would be automatically extended by one (1) year.

No securities regulatory authority has in any way passed upon the merits of these securities or this document. Under the Act, Groupe TAQ cannot offer investment advice, and no one may receive compensation from the sale of these bonds. Each investor must analyze the impact of this investment on his or her financial situation.

To learn more about Groupe TAQ’s risks and guarantees, financial projections and investor repayment scenarios, download the Investor Kit.

Is Groupe TAQ a solid investment?

Yes. Groupe TAQ’s greatest financial asset is its main building (head office) in Quebec City. Built in 2018, it is valued at $23 million according to a report by Côté Mercier – Conseil immobilier dated July 2023. The Amqui building is worth $2 million.

The book value of these assets after depreciation is $14 million. Groupe TAQ has quality assets that can be financed to enable projects to be carried out. Following the bonds issuance, Groupe TAQ’s mortgage will be reduced to $5 million, for buildings with a total value of $25 million.

From 2017-2018 to 2023-2024, Groupe TAQ generated nearly $8 million in cash. During the same period, we invested nearly $16 million, including the construction of our new head office. The difference between the two amounts, $8 million, explains the current level of debt.

Over the past 10 years, Groupe TAQ has demonstrated that it has revenue-generating operations. To repay the bonds at maturity, we have analyzed two scenarios, the first optimistic and the second very conservative. To consult these scenarios and all Groupe TAQ financial projections, please download the Investor Kit.

Can community bonds be converted into a donation?

Although community bonds are not a donation, Groupe TAQ’s charitable status allows it to convert the interest-only or principal AND interest of its bonds into a donation at maturity (due date). In doing so, the investor will receive a charitable tax receipt.

To activate the donation component, investors must complete the appropriate appendix on the subscription form (contract), available only after downloading the Investor Kit.

Also : Series 4 bonds have a 0% interest rate. By purchasing these bonds, you help Groupe TAQ avoid paying interest on this loan!

Is it possible to make a direct donation without buying community bonds?

Yes, you can support Groupe TAQ by:

  • A simple donation, now and online.
  • A donation of your shares from stock market.
  • A major donation in line with the mission of your foundation or institution.

I give with heart

Why is Groupe TAQ running a community bonds campaign?

Groupe TAQ aims to create 50 new permanent jobs over the next 3 years. To be agile and develop business opportunities that will support the mission, the company needs greater financial leeway. The $5 million raised by the campaign will be used for two main purposes:

  1. Create a development and acquisition fund to finance future job-creating projects.
  2. Consolidate our achievements, such as the purchase of specialized equipment, and manage our financial expenses soundly.

Find out more about the campaign here.

Groupe TAQ’s mission and the objective of this campaign are part of a broader movement of social innovation. We are convinced that, with investors support for our campaign, we will be able to strongly promote the idea that finance and sustainable development must go hand in hand, and that concrete opportunities for action are already present within our communities. Groupe TAQ is a fine example of this, and we intend to pave the way for other organizations.

Questions or comments?

We look forward to hearing from you!

Attend one of our live webinars

Register for one of our informative webinars (30 min.) about community bonds and the Groupe TAQ campaign and ask your questions.


To purchase Groupe TAQ community bonds, you must first download and read the Investor Kit.

Make an appointment with us

Talk directly to our team and ask all your questions!

2025 Bond Campaign


Investing with heart to change people's lives
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